He took them away and nailed them to the cross.
Col 2:14
He took them away and nailed them to the cross.
Col 2:14
These books are two of the best resources we have to help your faith become sure and strong in Jesus Christ.
Knowing I’m Saved – The Book.
No matter how long you’ve doubted your salvation . . . no matter how bad you think your case may be, God loves you, and He will give you the help you need. God’s love sent His Son to die for you, and His love sent me to point you to His Son. Struggling with the assurance of salvation is like being held in a dark and cruel dungeon. I know; I have been in that dungeon before. But there is a way out of it! And I wrote this book to show you the way. Come with me then. Read my story. Watch me, as I go down into the dungeon where you are, and then come out with me as you watch God bring me out.
Leaving Egypt: Helping Weary Christians Across the Desert.
This book was written to address the continued battles every Christian faces after trusting Christ as their Savior, but especially those who struggle with doubt. It’s a sequel to the book Knowing I’m Saved and contains powerful life-changing truths to help you grow strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Issues like religious scrupulosity and OCD are addressed in this book. Read Knowing I’m Saved first. Then read Leaving Egypt.