Know I'm Saved


Richard Fulton

Richard Fulton was born in the small town of Athens, TX, where he was raised in a conservative Baptist Church. Throughout parts of his childhood and into his young adult life, Richard struggled with recurring doubts about his salvation. His struggle reached a climax in 1994, as he neared the end of what had been for him a very long and difficult spiritual battle. Due to the fear and anguish that he experienced, Richard determined that, if God ever brought him out of the confusion that he was in, he would do what he could to help others who were in that same condition. Ultimately, God in His grace called Richard out of darkness into the marvelous light and peace found only in Jesus and his cross.

After his conversion, Richard never forgot about the struggle God had brought him through; and he felt led to create a website for those doubting their salvation. Richard's desire to begin KNOWIMSAVED.COM was fueled by his belief that modern evangelism had done a great deal to confuse people concerning the Gospel message. As a result of this confusion, Richard believed there were many other people in church who were unsure of their salvation, and who were privately seeking this type of help. In July of 2007, KNOWIMSAVED.COM was published on the web with the primary objective of communicating the Gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation, in a clear and simple light. We now give humble thanks to God that every day people from all over the English speaking world enter this website and utilize the messages and books that are provided for them. If you are a Christian, we ask that you pray for these people and for this ministry.

Need a church home?

Richard is Pastor of Central Baptist Church in Mabank, TX, and has a Doctorate in Theology from Andersonville Theological Seminary. Mabank is about 45 minutes south of Dallas. If you need a church home, or are ever in the area, please join him for worship. He would love to meet you.

Don't have a good church where you live?

Occasionally people receive help from this website, only to return to a local church that’s teaching false doctrine. After learning the true gospel, they quickly realize that what they’re hearing at their church is not what they’re reading in their Bible. Not having a gospel preaching church in their area, they are faced with the choice of attending a church they disagree with (and prolonging their struggle), or not going to church at all. If you are in this situation, then you may want to consider joining our church via our internet campus. You can contact me to learn more. Below is a photo of our first internet church members (from Missouri and Canada).You can attend our church online every Sunday Morning and Wednesday through our Facebook Internet Campus at the following link:

Central Baptist Church

Schedule Richard to speak at your church


