Helpful Literature
All of the books and tracts below are electronic versions, which can be opened and read by clicking on their icons. Many can be read without cost.
Knowing I’m Saved
This book was written with you in mind. By reading this book, I hope to take you by the hand and (by God's marvelous grace) lead you on a journey with me from darkness to Light.
Leaving Egypt: Helping Weary Christians Across the Desert
This book was written to address the continued battles every Christian faces after trusting Christ as their Savior, but especially those who struggle with doubt. It’s a sequel to the book Knowing I’m Saved and contains powerful life-changing truths to help you grow strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Issues like religious scrupulosity and OCD are addressed in this book. Read Knowing I’m Saved first. Then read Leaving Egypt..
The Most Important Message
This booklet is designed to provide a clear explanation of the Gospel that is both complete yet concise. The booklet bridges the gap between a book and a tract. It goes from creation to the cross, and is illustrated to better help the reader understand the Gospel. If your church has a printing ministry, you have my permission to print all you like, as long as you don’t sell them. I only ask that you print the booklet in its entirety and leave my web address on the back. Feel free to place your local church information on the back. If you don't have a printing ministry, send me an email and we'll ship you some with your church information on it. Due to the printing costs of this booklet, if you are able, we may ask that you help us cover some of the costs.
All of Grace
I cannot over emphasize how God used this book to impact my life. Reading this book helped me understand, for the first time in my life, what salvation truly was. Spurgeon was certainly filled with the Holy Spirit when he wrote it. In this book he tenderly leads the timid reader to a clear understanding of the Gospel. No doubt God has used this book to bring many to salvation.
Advice for Seekers
Before a man becomes a Christian he often has many false ideas about God's way of salvation. These errors frequently prevent seekers coming to Jesus Christ and trusting in him wholly. Spurgeon details these problems one by one and, in the process, helps not only seekers but doubting Christians too.
Around the Wicket Gate
The greatest of all tragedies must be that of a person who dies just outside the gate of life. They are standing, as it were, just outside the wicket gate to the church grounds--seeing the beauty of the building, knowing the people going in--but not stepping over the threshold themselves. Spurgeon speaks to those who are almost saved but altogether lost.
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
John Bunyan's personal testimony for those who are tempted and dejected. Bunyan talks candid about his personal struggle with severe doubts, blaphemous thoughts, and the many other difficulties that he experienced in coming to Christ. This book is not designed to show people the way to salvation, but to comfort those who are experiencing great demonic opression and who fear they may have gone beyond the reach of God's grace.

The Stranger
This book is best described as "A clear and simple explanation of the world's best seller" (the Bible). The Bible's a big book! Have you ever felt overwhelmed when looking at all those tiny jigsaw puzzle pieces? Going through this study will be like someone taking all of those little Bible pieces and snapping them in place before your eyes, giving you a clear view of its principal theme - salvation through Jesus. The reader will learn to see salvation from a "whole Bible" concept. After reading this book one man told me, "Finally it all makes sense to me." NOTE: I could not get permission from the publisher to place the entire book on the website. So, you will need to purchase this book from either or
What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?
This tract gives a clear presentation of the Gospel, without deviating from the message of the Cross with a "sinner's prayer". The reader is provided the address on the back for further help. This tract is only copy-righted to prevent it from being sold; so, if your church has a printing ministry, you have my permission to print all you like. I only ask that you print the tract in its entirety and leave the web address on the back. Feel free to place your local church information on the back to personalize it. If you don't have a printing ministry, send me an email and we'll ship you some. This tract is also available in Spanish.
Muslim - The Most Important Message
If you are confused about the Muslim religion, this booklet will strengthen your faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Read this to learn about Islam; share it to help Islam learn about Jesus.