Do I have to know the day that I was saved?
Occasionally you may hear a preacher say that you must know the day that you were saved in order to know that you are saved. In other words, they claim that you must be able to point back to an occasion in your life when you accepted Christ as your savior; and without having that defined past reference point in your life, then you can have no certainty that you are born again. But there is one thing always missing in this claim; and it's the glaring fact that they can provide no scriptural basis for this assertion. So, do you have to know the day that you were saved? The answer is simply, " No."
Listen to this message and see how the Bible never points us back to a special day in our life as the basis for salvation assurance. Instead, the Bible points us back to a special day in the life of Christ, when he died for our sins on the Cross. Here how assurance does not come by looking back to what happened to us on a given day, but by looking back to what happened to Jesus on a given day.