I followed Romans 10:9-10, but still doubt my salvation
Having grown up in a Baptist church, I was taught to become a "soul-winner" from an early age. As a young teenager, I had the Romans Road marked out in my pocket New Testament, with either paper clips, or tabs of some sort, already placed at the correct location in my Bible, for a speedy delivery of the salvation message - A message which would inevitably end with the soul-winner reading Romans 10:9-10, and the subject being led in a sinner's prayer for salvation. I mean, here it was - a clear and simple declaration of what a man must do to be saved - confess Jesus with his mouth and believe in his heart that God raised Him from the dead. What's more, this belief and confession was backed up by an absolute promise that the sinner was saved once he had completed this action.
But is this really what these scriptures are teaching us? As with all scripture, these verses are packed with helpful doctrine, but the widespread misapplication of this text has unfortunately hindered many people in their journey toward peace with God. In this message you will see what these highly misunderstood scriptures really mean from both a biblical and historical context.