What is the witness of the Holy Spirit?
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: Rom 8:16
The Bible says the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. But what exactly does this mean? Many people understand the witness of the Spirit to be some special feeling we are given that assures us we are saved. But, if this is true, how can we know what feelings are from God and what feelings are counterfeited by the Devil? Is there really a certain feeling we are supposed to have? If so, how do we know what it is supposed to feel like? In this message, we will seek to remove the mystery of this passage, and show you, in God's word, the specific witness the Holy Spirit bears to our spirit. If we understand what the Bible says about this topic, then we will know the specific witness we should expect to have. In this message, we will see that it is not so much how the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirit, but who the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirit.